Today we show you this Nua Luna we built for Eric some weeks ago. It is a clear example of a fully equipped and utilitarian bike, but maintaining the Nua aesthetic (naked and simple), and at the same time sexy, those red hubs help!

Eric wanted a longer transmission ratio than usual, since apparently he likes to go fast but at a very low cadence, so a 60 tooth Carbondrive front sprocket was necessary (we usually ride 55T). This change gave us quite a headache, since finding cranks compatible with that front sprocket, with a suitable 5-arm spider (road world), but at the same time compatible with the Rohloff belt line (MTB world), wasn't easy. Finally we found the solution in those Aerozine cranks, with the axel of the necessary length, and the appropriate spider.
Anecdotally, Eric wanted a red belt, which has been discontinued by Gates. Still, he was able to find a unit in Singapore, where his brother was at the time, so he took the opportunity to commission him and then sent us the belt to install on his bike, giving it the finishing touch he needed.

And finally he choose, between the best options, the rest of the components.
Eric gave us this rich assortment of Swiss chocolates, which went well for us since the entire Nua team is a fan of the product.

We hope you liked this Nua as much as we did building it. Until next time!
If you want to see more about our models and components, or if you want to configure your own Nua, do not hesitate to enter our builders in the "Bikes" section of our website or just write to us at